Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Part 1: Kepada yang menharapkan cinta & percaya pada cinta..

Cinta tidak pernah meminta, ia sentiasa memberi,
cinta membawa penderitaan, tetapi tidak pernah
berdendam, tak pernah membalas dendam. Di
mana ada cinta di situ ada kehidupan; manakala
kebencian membawa kepada kemusnahan. Kata
Mahatma Ghandi, Tuhan memberi kita dua kaki
untuk berjalan, dua tangan untuk memegang, dua
telinga untuk mendengar dan dua mata untuk

Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan
sekeping hati pada kita? Kerana Tuhan telah
memberikan sekeping lagi hati pada seseorang
untuk kita mencarinya. Itulah namanya Cinta. Ada
2 titis air mata mengalir di sebuah sungai. Satu
titis air mata tu menyapa air mata yang satu
lagi, "Saya air mata seorang gadis yang mencintai
seorang lelaki tetapi telah kehilangannya. Siapa
kamu pula?". Jawab titis air mata kedua tu," Saya
air mata seorang lelaki yang menyesal
membiarkan seorang gadis yang mencintai saya
berlalu begitu sahaja."

Love does not need A REASON ...

Lady : Why do you like me..? Why do you love me?

Man : I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..

Lady : You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?

Man : I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.

Lady : Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you!

Man : Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movements.

The lady felt very satisfied with the man's answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and became comma. The Guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:


Because of your sweet voice that I love you...

Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your care and concern that I like you..

Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.

Because of your smile, because of your every movements that I love you..

Now can you smile? Now can you move?

No, therefore I cannot love you...

If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.

Do love need a reason? NO!

Therefore, I still love you...

And love doesn't need a reason

" Sometimes the best and the most beautiful
things in the world cannot be seen, cannot
be touched, but can be felt in the heart "

18 Rules Between Men and Women

1. The Female always makes THE RULES.
2. THE RULES are subject to change without notice.
3. No Male can possibly know all THE RULES.
4. If the Female suspects the Male knows all THE RULES, she must immediately change some or all of THE RULES.
5. The Female is never wrong.
6. If it appears the Female is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding caused by something the Male did or said wrong.
7. If Rule #6 applies, the Male must apologize immediately for causing the misunderstanding.
8. The Female can change her mind at any given time.
9. The Male must never change his mind without the express, written consent of The Female.
10. The Female has every right to be angry or upset at any time.
11. The Male must remain calm at all times, unless the Female wants him to be angry or upset.
12. The Female must, under no circumstances, let the Male know whether she wants him to be angry or upset.
13. The Male is expected to read the mind of the Female at all times.
14. At all times, what is important is what the Female meant, not what she said.
15. If the Male doesn't abide by THE RULES, it is because he can't take the heat, lacks ackbone, and is a wimp.
16. If the Female has PMS, all THE RULES are null and void and the Male must cater to her every whim.
17. Any attempt to document THE RULES could result in bodily harm.
18. If the Male, at any time, believes he is right, he must refer to Rule #5

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

my beloved sister weeding (besut)

inilah gambar keluarga aku... susah nk dapat gambar berkeluarga macam nie... huhuhu... selesai sudah kenduri bg pihak lelaki... aku memang keletihan.... 14 jam dalam bas... huhuhu... walaupun letih tp gembira coz semuanya berjalan dgn lanjar... Alhamdulillah....

my beloved sister weeding...

tergambar wajah penuh kegembiraan bercampur keletihan pada ibu aku... sedih aku melihat bagaimana susah payah ibu untuk memberikan yg terbaik untuk kenduri anaknya ini...

senyuman raja dan permaisuri sehari.... aku?????

malam pernikahan adik aku... masa akad nikah aku yg terasa debarannye.. huhu... Alhamdulillah... dgn sekali lafaz... adik aku sudah bergelar isteri kepada mohd riduan dan aku sudah mempunyai adik ipar... tahniah diucapkan... terasa sedih bercampur gembira setelah selesai upacara akad nikah... yg tinggal hanya aku sebagai anak sulung yg akan dipenuhi dgn tanggungjawab.... tanggungjawab untuk menjaga keluarga dan segalanya... ntahla... rasanya aku belum bersedia sepenuhnya lg untuk menggalas semua cabaran tersebut pada masa sekarang... aku berdoa agar aku tidak terkapai-kapai keseorangan untuk menggalas cabaran tersebut seorg diri... suatu hari nanti aku perlu pulang dan menetap di kampung halaman untuk menggalas semua cabaran tersebut... sekiranya aku berjaya menggalas cabaran tersebut, akan memberi seribu manfaat kepada keturunan aku... InsyaAllah....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"5 Things"

1) "5" nama timangan anda...
sham: nama yg dipanggil oleh sedara2 aku je...
padlil: nama nie start dipanggil oleh membe2 sekolah menengah dulu..
jiwa: yg nie masa dekat poli n utem... start masa poli sbb amik nm sempena sekolah aku dulu...
hancock: yg nie budak2 jke aras 2 yg start panggil..
abg: org yg aku syg je panggil..

2) "5" sifat/tabiat buruk....
gigit kuku: dari kecik lg aku suka gigit kuku... nmpk mcm byk masalah je kan... hahaha
wat keje last minit: memang suka wat keje last minit.. last minit byk idea...
basuh baju bila baldi penuh: letih la nk basuh hari2.. basuh tgn plak tu..
simpan dalam hati: kdg2 xelok n kdg2 elok juga..
pakai brg2 branded: bukan nk menunjuk tp kepuasan diri je...

3) "5" makanan favourite....
laksa penang/utara: memang suka sgt2.. kalo bertambah tue mmg xcukup sepinggan
sume jenis masakan janji ada ayam: aku mmg suka sgt ayam nie...
bihun sup: bihun sup pun lazat jgk kalo ada perut lembu kan... janji pedas..
satay: makanan tradisional jgn di lupakan...
ikan pekasam: kalo ikan pekasam dgn nasi putih saja aku bleh lg tambah nasi...

4) "5" subjek pelajaran paling suka...
math: aku pun suka kira2... mungkin hasil dr latih tubi dr mak aku..
analisa litar: aku mmg suka bab2 litar nie..
sistem berdigit: yg nie pun mmg suka sgt...
sejarah: sejarah nie aku lebih suka pasal sejarah islam je... hehehe...
kemahiran hidup (spn): yg nie aku suka sbb ada pertanian.. poyo je... hahaha

5) "5" benda wajib dalam purse....
IC: yg nie mesti kena ada...
lesen memandu: kalo dh bawak kenderaan kena la ada benda nie.. yg pasti lesen kena hidup..
kad ATM: kalo xdak duit bleh g cucuk kat dinding...
duit: cash money mesti ada...
kad TnG: nak g jauh2 xyah susah2 guna tunai... hehehe...

6) "5" topik yang biasa di bual bersama pasangan/teman....
keje2: dah keje la katakan.. so borak pasal keje la...
love: dibual bersama org tersayang je... hehe...
cerita panas: cerita pasal diri sendiri pn panas jgk... hehehe...
masalah: sampai mati pun still ada masalah jgk... so cite pasal nie akan berterusan...
membe: ini pasal besfren2 je slalunya dibualkan...

7) "5" MANGSA TAG..


Cik Nur



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Leo - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're almost always the center of attention - and easy for potential dates to spot
Your happiness and optimism is appealing to all... and contagious!
You don't hold grudges - getting over little fights is no problem for you

Your negative traits:

You tend to ignore relationship problems, until they are too big to handle
You crave luxury, and you are disappointed with partners who can't provide you with it
If someone does you wrong, you'll coldly and cruelly break their heart

Your ideal partner:

Someone high status enough to bring you more attention - but not so great that they upstage you
Makes you laugh and brings excitement to everything you do together
Is aggressive and confident enough to butt heads with you every so often

Your dating style:

High expectations. You need to be impressed with an incredible first date for a second one to occur.

Your seduction style:

You like to make the first move - you're fearless about initiating things
Passionate. You really get into any intimate act.
Aggressive. Most of the time, you find yourself wanting sex more than your partner.

Tips for the future:

Try to not need so much attention. You'll feel less ignored, guaranteed.
Learn to love your partner for who they are - not how they help advance your life.
Let your partner shine occasionally. You don't always have to be the alpha dog.

Best color to attract mate: Gold

Best day for a date: Sunday